Woodwork for Inventor 10.3 Full Version Download (crack keygen)

Woodwork for Inventor 10.3 Full Version Download (crack keygen)
Woodwork for Inventor is industry-specific furniture design software designed for woodworkers and fully integrated into Autodesk Inventor. What does it bring to the table that simple Autodesk Inventor can‘t deliver? Although Autodesk Inventor is a very powerful design engine, it doesn‘t provide tools for specific industries like the furniture design industry. We understand the specific needs of woodworkers and which aspects of the regular modeling workflow would take them the most time to do. And we focused on that with Woodwork for Inventor. Our software is built around the skeletal modeling design approach which is ideal for the rapid prototyping nature of panel design.
What lifts it to the next level is iBox technology. It is built around the use of pre-defined assemblies with woodworking functionality built into them. iBox allows to stretch, to shrink and it‘s all based according to the design conditions that you‘ve set. And user can author or publish their standard product into the iBox technology. Moreover, users can create their own iBox library which will be major advantage.

The Woodwork for Inventor functionality greatly facilitates and accelerates the constructor’s work when creating the skeleton of the furniture item. The set of DressUp features contains commands which, based on the volume of the furniture item’s shape, enable convenient and quick creation of boards. In order for the command to create the board body automatically, you simply need to indicate the surface of the selected volume, the thickness of the board and its position with respect to the surface. This is an easy way to create different shelves by indicating the body of the board that has already been created and by specifying the thickness of the board and the shelf offset distance.
To create the board body, you may use the section of the working surface and of the furniture item’s shape. This section is also automatically transformed into a board. All the board bodies may be trimmed based on the result that the constructor is trying to achieve. Everything that has been modeled in this way automatically saves parameter connections and may be quickly and easily modified at any design stage. You can later easily turn this skeleton into a standard Autodesk Inventor assembly and continue to use it at the assembly level.

Woodwork for Inventor uses its own method of components arrangement which utilises the design connections (iMate) pre-existing in the assembly elements. The designer simply needs to specify which load-bearing geometric elements a specified component needs to be attached to and it will automatically be multiplied in all possible position combinations based on the specified load-bearing geometric element. As compared to standard Autodesk Inventor mechanisms, this ensures a much faster arrangement of fittings in a piece of furniture.
Woodwork for Inventor provides a database of the most popular furniture hardware but the designer himself, using the standard Autodesk Inventor tools, may create their own components which, when placed in the furniture model, can provide relevant cut-outs & holes as well as being included in the parts list.


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