Geosoft Oasis Montaj Version 9.7 Full Download (with crack)

Geosoft Oasis Montaj Version 9.7 Full Download (with crack)
Oasis montaj® provides a powerful suite of modelling and analysis tools for advanced understanding of the Earth's subsurface and subsea environments. Process, map, QA and interpret all your data, including ground and airborne survey geophysics, geochemistry and geology, within one dynamic, 3D environment.
Visualize and analyze all available data to improve the quality of interpretations and inform project decision making.
Create complex 3D earth models of the subsurface for sharing information with colleagues and other stakeholders.   
Access over 15 geoscience extensions for all your data processing, interpretation and modelling needs.

Import and organize your project data
Import and work with more than 50 supported data types and formats including CAD, GIS, mine planning and modelling formats. Efficiently store large geoscientific datasets in high-performance Geosoft databases and improve data access and usability throughout your project lifecycle. Direct access to data contained in the database is provided through a spreadsheet and an integrated profile display window.

Rapidly process large data volumes
Process and conduct quality control on your ground and airborne survey geophysics, geochemistry and geology data. Easily combine data and keep multiple profile windows open for comparison with maps. Work with collections of data points or treat individual points. Rapidly assess and experiment with data in real-time running numerous filters and processes on data with ease.

Integrate surface and subsurface mapping
Create integrated maps using geology, geophysics, geochemistry, GIS data and satellite imagery to increase your subsurface understanding. Create grids, add contours, geophysics and remote sensing data to enhance your interpretations and guide decision-making. Work seamlessly across geoscience and GIS environments with built-in ESRI integration and plug-in connectivity with MapInfo.

Visualize geoscience data in 2D and 3D
View, manipulate and analyze of all your data - geology, geochemistry and geophysics - with powerful and fully integrated 3D capabilities. Quickly create rich, detailed 3D views to visualize your geoscience data.

Utilize fast and efficient gridding techniques
Quickly and efficiently produce 3D voxels, using direct gridding, IDW or kriging algorithms optimized for large-volume geoscientific data. Interpolate data to produce grids, using minimum curvature, bi-directional, trended, gradient, tinning or kriging gridding routines. Grid processing and enhancement tools include interactive shading display, grid windowing, the ability to create shaded relief grids and display grid outlines. Once a voxel is created, you can easily generate open or closed isosurfaces from the voxels.

Merge geophysical grids of all sizes
Rapidly and accurately merge geophysical grids regardless of cell size, projection or grid type with two advanced methods. A blending method for merging grids and a suturing method for defining a join path. The blending method quickly merges grids via standard smoothing functions. The suturing method enables you to automatically or manually define a join path then applies a proprietary multi-frequency correction to eliminate differences between the grids along the path.


ArKaos GrandVJ XT 2.6.5 Lifetime Full Download (crack keygen)

ArKaos GrandVJ XT 2.6.5 Lifetime Full Download (crack keygen)
GrandVJ unleash full creativity and send your visual content to multiple simultaneous outputs including , led screens , mapping , projector blending , Art-Net, and Kling-Net LED fixtures and LED strips.

LEDMapper gets support to merge Art-Net input from a Lighting Console with its own pixel output. This allows to control more advanced fixtures like Moving Heads with pan & tilt for instance. It also brings enhanced support for DMX charts with constant values, channel gaps and any channel layout for the pixel mapping.
Also opening LEDMapper and GrandVJ simultaneously have no restricting impact anymore even for ArtPoll and LED fixture discovery.
The Kling-Net Mapper also newly supports creation of Draft Devices to prepare the layout of a show and position devices even without having those devices connected.

Manipulate, trigger and mix video clips with sound, animated text strings or live cameras in much the same way as mixing music to create a spectacular audiovisual show. GrandVJ can mix up to 16 layers with a vast library of video effects, transitions and sound driven visual generators.

The A/B crossfading mode with independent preview makes it an incredibly flexible VJ software to perform live, and the Browser Preview feature lets you preview visuals, effects, transitions and sources before sending them to the output, just like a DJ previews his next track in his headphones.

Timecode is an important way to sync video. GrandVJ supports both audio encoded SPMTE timecode and timecode over Art-Net. Timecode over Art-Net in GrandVJ is extended to include BPM and artist/track name information, and thanks to this, it’s now very easy for GrandVJ to track the real-time creative work of DJs as they are playing live.
Here is a list of some exciting possibilities:
- Visuals are automatically following the music the DJ is playing.
- Visuals are precisely in-sync with the music (lip-sync, subtitles, etc.).
- Visuals are automatically following the music the DJ is playing.
- Visuals can automatically and precisely pulse on the beat of the music.
- DJ has immediate control on the visual performance by changing track, BPM and executing loops.

The first adopter of TrackDJ is ShowKontrol which allows GrandVJ to communicate with the top level of Pioneer DJ players which are one of the universal industry standard brands. ShowKontrol supports Pioneer’s most versatile and powerful DJ players including the NXS2 and TOUR1 ranges and upwards.
TrackDJ is also supported by Mixxx, the popular free open-source DJ software application, which has been updated by ArKaos to send the TrackDJ information.


Paterva Maltego CE Version Download (with crack)

Paterva Maltego CE Version Download (with crack)
Maltego is an interactive data mining tool that renders directed graphs for link analysis. The tool is used in online investigations for finding relationships between pieces of information from various sources located on the Internet.
Maltego uses the idea of transforms to automate the process of querying different data sources. This information is then displayed on a node based graph suited for performing link analysis.
Currently there are three versions of the Maltego client namely Maltego CE, Maltego Classic and Maltego XL. This page will focus on Maltego Community Edition (CE).
All three Maltego clients come with access to a library of standard transforms for the discovery of data from a wide range of public sources that are commonly used in online investigations and digital forensics.
Because Maltego can seamlessly integrate with nearly any data source many data vendors have chosen to use Maltego as a delivery platform for their data. This also means Maltego can be adapted to your own, unique requirements.

Maltego CE is the community version of Maltego that is available for free after a quick online registration. Maltego CE includes most of the same functionality as the commercial version however it has some limitations. The main limitation with the community version is that the application cannot be used for commercial purposes and there is also a limitation on the maximum number of entities that can be returned from a single transform. In the community version of Maltego there is no graph export functionality that is available in the commercial versions.

Maltego CE Features:
The ability to perform link analysis on up to 10 000 entities on a single graph.
The capability to return up to 12 entities per transform that is run.
Includes collection nodes which automatically group entities together with common features allowing you to see passed the noise and find the key relationships you are looking for.
Includes the ability to share graphs in real-time with multiple analysts in a single session.
Graph export options include:
Entity lists.
Graph import options include:
Tablular formats - csv, xlx and xlsx.
Copy and paste.


Download Scriptcase 9.4.015 Enterprise Lifetime (crack included)

Download Scriptcase 9.4.015 Enterprise Lifetime (crack included)
Powerful web low-code RAD platform
Unleash the power of web development and boost your productivity time creating delightful projects with magnificent BI solutions.

Scriptcase is a powerful tool for generating web systems and business applications. It also helps you to create complete reports (with dashboards, charts and pivot tables) in a simple and fast way for the management data analysis (Business Intelligence). Learn more about the features available to create reports and summaries.
In addition to the integrated charts that comes with Grid application, Scriptcase has also an exclusive application for dynamic JavaScript graphs creation and customization, with a drag and drop interface for organizing metrics and dimensions in a easy and fast way. With Scriptcase charts, you never have to start from scratch. See here some features for building Charts.

Create simple and advanced web forms using the various options available in Scriptcase: automatic data validation, layout in blocks and tabs, editing and inclusion of multiple records, editable grid form, many to many relationship, among other features. In a complete and secure way with just a few clicks.

Connect to a Database
Connect with your database (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, SQL Azure, Amazon Aurora, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, SyBase, Informix or ODBC layer) and generate web applications based on your tables, simply and safely. Make the data access and maintenance an uncomplicated step!
Scriptcase offers an XLS, CSV and ACCESS spreadsheet import and conversion features for the databases supported by Scriptcase. With this import tool you can easily transform your spreadsheets into system applications.

Build web applications
Use our modern, intuitive, and powerful browser-based environment to quickly build and run ​w​eb apps such as forms​,​ reports,​ pivot, tables, charts, maps, ​PDFs, dashboards, and menus. This makes iterative development easy. Use the Business intelligence concept to build management dashboards.
Customize your Application's UI without writing a single line of HTML, CSS or Javascript. You can change everything from the way one button looks to the entire theme of the app, with a few points and clicks.​
Create projects with support to over 50 languages. Our Data dictionary feature makes it easy to translate table names, fields and messages.


Download Geneious Prime 2020.0.4 Full Version (crack keygen)

Download Geneious Prime 2020.0.4 Full Version (crack keygen)
Geneious Prime supports scientific research by integrating a comprehensive suite of bioinformatics tools with existing workflows. Geneious Prime’s molecular biology and NGS analysis tools include cloning, primer design, and de novo assembly, and can be customized with plugins and algorithms to provide the scope businesses need.

NGS Analysis and Genomics
De novo assembly or reference mapping of Illumina, PacBio, or Ion Torrent reads (any length, paired ends, barcodes), using industry leading algorithms, including TopHat and Velvet.
Comprehensive analysis of data, including genome browser, contig visualization, SNP calling, and RNA-Seq expression analysis.

Molecular Cloning
View plasmid maps, automatically annotate vectors, and copy-paste sequences with annotations. Find restriction sites; digest, ligate, and perform Golden Gate, Gibson, and Gateway cloning.
Design primers, find CRISPR sites, and optimize codons. Track history and parent descendant lineage throughout cloning processes.

Searching, Sharing and Automation
Batch BLAST against NCBI and directly search GenBank. Centralize and collaborate on data with seamlessly integrated shared repositories. Import and export most industry standard file formats.
Setup automated workflows to increase efficiency, control business processes, and ensure your work is repeatable.

Sequence and Chromatogram Analysis
Trim, assemble, and view Sanger sequencing trace files; correct base calls; and create consensus sequences. Automatic annotation for gene prediction, motifs, translation, and variant calling.
Genotype microsatellite traces with automated ladder fitting and peak calling and generate tables of alleles.

Alignment and Tree Building
Perform pairwise and multiple alignments of DNA or protein using trusted algorithms, including MAFFT and ClustalW. View and edit alignments with real-time translation and highlighting.
Build phylogenetic trees using peer-reviewed algorithms, including RAxML and PAUP*, and adjust display settings for publication-ready graphics.

Geneious Server Database
Synchronized storage location for Geneious data accessible by multiple concurrent users
Greater level of control and increased security for data access for your organization over the standard shared database
Configurable to utilize existing authentication infrastructure such as LDAP to secure your data and simplify account management
Additional cost – please contact sales for further information


TINA Design Suite 12.0 Full Version (crack keygen) - download

TINA Design Suite 12.0 Full Version (crack keygen) - download
TINA Design Suite is a powerful yet affordable circuit simulator and PCB design software package for analyzing, designing, and real time testing of analog, digital, IBIS, HDL, MCU, and mixed electronic circuits and their PCB layouts. You can also analyze SMPS, RF, communication and optoelectronic circuits; generate and debug MCU code using the integrated flowchart tool; and test microcontroller applications in a mixed circuit environment. You can analyze your circuit through more than 20 different analysis modes or with 10 high tech virtual instruments. Present your results in TINA’s sophisticated diagram windows, on virtual instruments, or in the live interactive mode where you can even edit your circuit during operation, develop, run, debug and test HDL & MCU applications. Electrical engineers will find TINA an easy to use, high performance tool, while educators will welcome its unique features for the training environment.

TINA is one of the most powerful and best converging Spice simulator on the market. It includudes both Berkely Spice and XSpice based Spice engines, supports most Spice dialects with parallelised processing and precompiled models. In addition to the large Spice component libraries in TINA,you can create new TINA components from any Spice subcircuit, whether created by yourself, downloaded from the Internet, obtained from a manufacturer’s CD or from portions of schematics turned into subcircuits. TINA automatically represents these subcircuits as a rectangular block, but you can create any shape you like with TINA’s Schematic Symbol Editor. You can also use TINA’s parameter extractor program to calculate model parameters from catalog or measurement data and then add the new devices into the catalog.

TINA includes all major analog, digital and mixed Hardware Description Languages: VHDL, Verilog, Verilog-A, Verilog AMS and SysteC to verify designs in analog, digital and mixed-signal analog-digital environments. Your circuits can contain editable HDL blocks from the libraries of TINA and Xilinx or other HDL components created by yourself or downloaded from the Internet. TINA compiles HDL into highly efficient machine code or you can use precompiled SystemC components for speed optimization. You can freely combine HDL and Spice macros and the schematic components of TINA. Also you can edit the HDL source of any HDL components then simulate and see the result instantly. With the built in HDL debugger you can execute the HDL code step-by-step, add breakpoints, watchpoints, display variable information and more. In addition to the large component libraries in TINA, you can create new TINA components from HDL subcircuits.

TINA also includes unique tools for testing students’ knowledge, monitoring progress and introducing troubleshooting techniques using its educational capabilities. With optional hardware it can be used to test real circuits for comparison with the results obtained from simulation. With the Live 3D breadboard tool you can automatically build a life-like 3D picture of a solderless breadboard. When you run TINA in interactive mode, components like switches, LEDs, instruments, etc. become “live” and will work on the virtual breadboard just as in reality. You can use this capability of TINA to prepare and document lab experiments. You can also use the integrated Flowchart Editor and Debugger to generate and debug the MCU code, learning and teaching microcontroller programming.


Download SprutCAM Version 12.0.2 Full (crack included)

Download SprutCAM Version 12.0.2 Full (crack included)
SprutCAM is CAM software from Russia. CAM is short for Computer-Aided Manufacturing. SprutCAM is the software g-code generation automation. SprutCAM is used for multi-axis milling, turning, turning-milling, EDM machines and machining centers.
SprutCAM is used for mold and die, and parts production: prototypes,models, original and serial products, body parts, spare parts, wood products, plastic and stone, patterns, as well as engraving inscriptions and images.
SprutCAM is used in aerospace, automotive, military, shipbuilding, power, electronics industries, heavy machinery, medicine and tool-making facilities.

The most important features of the system can be distinguished in the following way:
Ease of Use   – The system is very easy to use and is logically well organized into four main modes of working which can easily be selected from the main window by clicking on the relevant tab: 3Dmodel (import and preparation of geometric model); 2D Geometry (for 2D drawing); Machining (to generate machining processes); and Simulation (a photo realistic view of all machining, including tool and stock).
Import of Many Formats  – Advanced ability to import and transform 2D and 3D geometric models prepared in any CAD system, and then transferred into SprutCAM via IGES, DXF, STL, VRML, PostScript, STEP, 3DM, or SGM file format. Within  SprutCAM the model can be transformed in many ways (scaled, rotated, transposed etc.), and any or all parts constituting it can be machined in any desired sequence, while gaps and overlaps between these parts are properly processed.
2D Drafting  – The built-in 2D parametric drafting tools allows the creation of objects in any plane, and these can be referenced to the coordinates of the 3D model. In addition, the 3D model can be projected onto a plane. Patterns and text for engraving or pocketing can also be created within the system. All these objects can be used to define the part, fixtures, workpiece or job assignment of a cycle.
Very Sophisticated Machining cycles  – The machining process can be set up easily and is made up of a sequence of available operations which are chosen by the user from a long list; i.e. roughing, finishing, rest milling, hole drilling, engraving etc. Within each operation the user chooses the parameters that should be applied; i.e. waterline, plunge or drive cutting modes, depth of cut, step-over distance, scallop height, cutting tool type and dimensions, cutting speeds, conventional or climb cutting etc. Any of these parameters can be revisited and modified without upsetting the whole operation, and if so desired the system can set these parameters by default. The resulting machine process is very accurate and efficient with minimum loss of time, as all unnecessary tool movements can be eliminated. It is suitable for both traditional as well as high speed cutting of any material.
Actual workpiece state considering  – The first machining cycle uses the start workpiece,to generate the toolpath. After that the workpiece form is updated. So the next cycle uses the updated workpiece to generate its own toolpath.
Photo-realistic simulation with collision detection     – The user can see exactly how the part is going to be machined either in a step by step mode or variable speed continuous mode as if a video tape is being played back. He can choose the color of the various tools used, the stock material and the intended final shape, for better understanding of the operation. Should it be desirable to change any part or parameter of the cycle it is easy to go back to the machining operation and modify it, and then return to the simulation. Toolpaths followed by each tool can also be seen in different colors.
Postprocessor  – Once the machining cycle is accepted the program can automatically generate an NC program to suit the user's machine or CNC system. Besides the long list of available Posts and willingness of  Sprut Technology  to develop  Posts  to the user's requirements and requests, it is also possible for the user to generate new posts or modify existing ones by using the inbuilt < Postprocessors generator > .


memoQ Project Manager 9.2.5 Full Version Download (cracked)

memoQ Project Manager 9.2.5 Full Version Download (cracked)
Manage and automate your localization processes on a global scale with the memoQ translation management system. Enterprises appreciate tailor-made memoQ features such as flexible workflow management, easy project tracking, automated quality checks, advanced reports, customizability, connectivity, and much more.
With memoQ project manager, users can create, distribute, and manage online and offline projects for translation teams. While memoQ project manager can be used on its own to create and manage offline projects, it works best when you use it together with a memoQ cloud server or your own memoQ server to run online projects and to maintain terminology, translation memories, and other resources.

Extensive Reporting
memoQ project manager can create five types of reports that are crucial for the efficient oversight over translation projects.
Analysis report Shows the size of the project and the savings from translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, and homogeneity. This is where you get the word counts that you use to create a quote for your client and estimate the costs of running the project.
Progress report Shows the progress of the entire project, as well as separately for every translator and reviewer.
Post-translation analysis report After the project is completed, you can see how much you actually saved using translation memories and other resources. Also shows the word counts actually translated by each translator. You could say the analysis report is a prediction – an estimation –, while the post-translation analysis is the fact, the history. This report is crucial for compensating translators fairly in a collaborative online project.
Edit distance report Shows how many segments were edited and, how much of the segments were changed. memoQ can show this in characters, or in percent.
Editing time statistics memoQ can measure how long it takes to translate or edit a segment. Use this report if you want to find out how efficient your translation process is.

Package Management
In memoQ project manager, you can create translation or reviewing packages from your bilingual or multilingual projects. Project packages are useful if you don’t have a memoQ cloud server or a memoQ server: you can distribute a project to translators and reviewers, while everyone still works offline.
You may also want to send packages to vendors who cannot or will not use your memoQ server – for example, because they have their own. They will be able to import your package on their memoQ cloud server or memoQ server and work online there.
memoQ project manager handles the deliveries from package projects and you can use these deliveries to track the progress of the project or get back finished translations.


Download Reelsteady for After Effects 1.0.91 Full Version (with crack)

Download Reelsteady for After Effects 1.0.91 Full Version (with crack)
ReelSteady’s revolutionary new approach to stabilization allows for precise results from almost any camera and lens combination. 
That means for the first time ever, you can accurately smooth footage from even extreme wide angle lenses like GoPro.

Reelsteady excels at the kind of dynamic, traveling shots that bring other stabilizers to their knees.
Orbiting around your subject with a drone? No problem. Snowboarding through the trees at full speed? We got that.
If you've ever used a stabilizer you know that even a small imperfection in smoothness can ruin the whole shot.
That’s why we’ve included professional-level tools for tweaking and perfecting even the most challenging shots.

Host Applications
Adobe After Effects CS6
Adode After Effects CC
Adobe After Effects CC 2014
Adobe After Effects CC 2015
Adobe After Effects CC 2017

Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.8 and later (Catalina support coming soon)

Hardware Requirements
Mac Intel
4 GB of RAM
200 MB of Hard Drive space
Internet Connection


Download VideoReDo TVSuite Full Version (crack keygen)

Download VideoReDo TVSuite Full Version (crack keygen)
Simplify your editing, and quickly create DVD's of your TV shows... all within the same software, typically without the need of lengthily transcoding. This means you can remove offensive material (often commercials) by editing video, quickly save to your phone or table, or burn to a DVD, all quickly and easily!
There is no need to jump around to different applications, so when you want to create DVD's you just do it without frustration. VideoReDo TVSuite gives you an easy way of collecting DVD's of your favorite TV events... the way you want to see them!
TVSuite is built on the award winning functionality of our popular MPEG editing solution... so whether you are using a PVR, DVR, DVD or capture card to record TV, VideoReDo TVSuite will simplify your editing, and reliably create DVDs of your TV shows in minutes rather than hours.

-MPEG2, H.264 / AVCHD, and H.265 / HEVC editing.
TVSuite Version 6 edits your MPEG2, AVC and HEVC files fast with our newly re-written smart edit engine. Smart edit recodes just a few frames at each cut point and retains all the original quality of your videos.
-Recode your video faster with Intel and NVidia GPU hardware.
Speed up your recoding up to 5x by taking advantage of your Intel Core-I processor's QuickSync feature or if you have an NVidia GPU it's built in encoding hardware.  QuickSync offloads the MPEG2, H.264 and HEVC encoding functions to the Intel graphics processor for lightening fast encodes. For even quicker encodings, supported NVidia GPU cards can be used to encode H.264 and HEVC video.
-Simple preset or custom DVD menu generation.
TVSuite has a rich set of pre-designed menu templates to create great looking DVDs. Customize them or create your own templates in seconds using the built-in template editor, giving your DVDs their own unique look and feel. Reuse templates or share them with others via the internet, so that when making the DVDs of a series of program they all have a consistent look.
-Opens DVD .IFO files directly for reauthoring (unencrypted DVDs).
Want to edit material that has been previously recorded on an unencrypted DVD? TVSuite will import the titles directly from the DVD.  Original chapter settings are retained from the imported DVD and will be retained whether you re-author a DVD or play on your portable device.
-Take control of your audio.
TVSuite's advanced audio support lets you remove, duplicate and re-order the audio streams each with options to change the codec, bitrate, sampling rate, and gain.
Need to adjust the level?  Each audio stream can be automatically normalized or, using our intelligent compressor, let VideoReDo raise the levels of soft passages while reducing the volume of loud ones.
-Compensate for lip sync.
TVSuite carefully takes care to maintain the lip-sync of the source video during editing and processing. Source videos that start out-of-sync can be manually adjusted using our sync adjustment preview slider.


BonesPro 4.79 Studio Version Download Full (crack included)

BonesPro 4.79 Studio Version Download Full (crack included)

BonesPro is a sophisticated, fast and optimized technology for organic skinning of characters and objects in Autodesk 3ds Max.
It allows you to create high quality skin meshes rapidly with easy-to-understand bone influences and vertex assignments, impressive real-time skin-deformations and special-effects.

Skinning is the process of assigning the vertices of a mesh to an animated skeleton structure. The mesh should deform and follow the movements of the skeleton accurately, creating realistic looking movements of organic shapes.
The skinning process is an important part of character creation and requires artists to interrupt the more creative parts of their work and spend often significant amounts of time on rather technical and repetitive deformation set-ups. Especially for less technically inclined artists the skinning task can quickly turn into a long and tedious journey through of bone influence area tuning and deformation readjustments.
BonesPro is the solution for all artists that don’t want to spend a lot of time on character skinning and prefer to get quality skinning results with a minimized amount of work.

BonesPro delivers fast results through a quick assignment set-up and convenient adjustment options.

Meshes deform like elastic skin, avoid face clipping and don’t tear vertices too far apart from each other.

Hypodermic solid deformers can handle the most problematic areas in an animated mesh.

API access allows integration into existing pipelines and Teams can collaborate on scenes without having to supply everyone with licenses.

And Beyond
BonesPro can not only be used for traditional skinning but also for many other animation effects.


Download QuickLOAD Version 3.9 Full (crack keygen)

Download QuickLOAD Version 3.9 Full (crack keygen)

Why use QuickLOAD? If you’re reloading or looking at some new load development, new calibres or bullet types and weights, QuickLOAD ballistic software solution is what you need.
QuickLOAD has a default database of predefined bullets, cartridges and propellants. The database of the more recent versions of QuickLOAD also includes dimensional technical drawings of the predefined cartridges and for most cartridges photographic images.
Data can later be imported or entered by the user to expand the programs database. The default database contains more than 2,500 projectiles, over 1,200 cartridges, over 225 powders and dimensional drawings and photos of many cartridges.
Version 3.9 requires Windows XP or newer OS.
Will run on MAC with Windows emulation software
3.9 is win 10 compliant
You can now import information from the QuickDESIGN program into for QuickLOAD for ballistic analysis-exterior and interior!
Schematic and/or photos of most cartridges in library are available at the click of a button

QuickLOAD key features
More than 1200 cartridges;
More than 230 powders;
More than 2500 bullets;
Abundance of Useful Outputs;
Customize cartridge selection for your firearms;
Dimensioned drawings and photos of many cartridges at the click of a button;
Interfaces with the new PVM-21 Chronograph.


Download Desktop Central 10.0.440 Enterprise Full (with crack)

Download Desktop Central 10.0.440 Enterprise Full (with crack)
Desktop Central is a unified endpoint management solution that helps in managing servers, laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets from a central location.
Automate regular endpoint management routines like installing patches, deploying software, imaging and deploying OS, managing assets, software licenses, monitoring software usage statistics, managing USB device usage, taking control of remote desktops, and more. Desktop Central supports managing Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Manage your mobile devices to deploy profiles and policies, configure devices for Wifi, VPN, Email accounts, etc., apply restrictions on using camera, browser, etc., and to secure your devices like enabling passcode, remote lock/wipe, etc. Manage all your iOS, Android and Windows smartphones and tablets.

Automate patch deployment related to OS and other third party applications to shield Windows and Mac machines from security threats.
Simplify software distribution to install and uninstall software with built-in templates for package creation.
Troubleshoot remote desktops with multi-user collaboration, file transfer, video recording, and more.
Manage your IT assets, Software Metering, Software License Management, Prohibited Software, and more.
50+ pre-defined configurations including Power Management, USB Device Management, Security Policies, and so on.
Scan and detect missing service packs of OS and Applications and automate deployment to stay up-to-date.
100 + out-of-the-box reports provides a quick and complete insight of the Active Directory infrastructure.
Define roles with selective privilege and delegate users to these roles for effective management
Image and deploy operating systems in both offline and online modes.
Restrict and control the usage of USB Devices in the network both at the user-level and at the computer-level.
Go green with effective power management by applying power schemes, shutting down inactive computers and get system up-time report.
Start managing your desktops and servers on the go. Download mobile app for Android & iOS devices.


Redshift 2.6.50 Floating Version Full Download (crack keygen)

Redshift 2.6.50 Floating Version Full Download (crack keygen)
Redshift is a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications.

Redshift's efficient memory management allows rendering of scenes containing hundreds of millions of polygons and TBs of texture data.
Achieve blazingly fast indirect lighting using biased point-based GI techniques, as well as brute-force GI.
Harnessing the raw power of the GPU and using intelligent sampling techniques makes Redshift the worlds fastest renderer.\
The user can export groups of objects and lights to Redshift Proxy files which can be easily referenced by other scenes. Proxies allow for powerful shader, matte and visibility flag overrides as often required in production.
Redshift supports multi-step transformation blur and 2-step deformation blur.
Redshift support OpenVDB rendering in all 3d apps and native volume rendering in Houdini. Redshift lights can cast volumetric lighting around them.
Thin hair can produce noisy renders. Redshift supports 'MPW' rendering which smooths out the look of thin and hard-to-sample hairs.
Redshift's tessellation supports edge and vertex creasing with separate UV smoothing control.
Objects have advanced matte features and tracing options such as self-shadowing and primary/secondary ray visibility.
Redshift allows for any type of AOV data to be baked out from individual objects.
Users can export their scene and render it independently of their 3d app using the redshiftCmdLine tool.
A C++ SDK is available for studios that require deeper integration of Redshift with their pipelines. Please contact us for more info.
Flexible, production-ready shader, compatible with PBR workflows of Allegorithmic Substance and Unreal Engine.
Control how materials behave for certain ray types. Useful for customizing GI or double-sided polygon shading.
Support for up to 3 layers of sub-surface scattering in a single shader for realistic looking skin.
Add geometric and lighting detail to surfaces using displacement mapped height, vector textures or procedural shading nodes.
Redshift supports many dcc shading nodes for math, color ramps, color remaps and conversion, gamma and many others.
Material shading components (albedo, diffuse, reflections etc), depth, motion vectors, puzzle-matte and many more.
Support of the Houdini instancing, including the Instance OBJ node, and the "instance" and "instancepath" attributes, extracted as mesh instances or particle point clouds.
The plugin is compatible with all the Houdini non-GUI tools (hython, hscript, etc.) and includes a set of custom HScript commands to control the renderer.
Direct integration with the Altus denoiser from Innobright to further reduce render times while maintaining high quality clean images.


Download eFilm Workstation 4.2.3 Perpetual Full (crack keygen)

Download eFilm Workstation 4.2.3 Perpetual Full (crack keygen)

eFilm Workstation®, part of IBM Watson Health™, is a stand-alone workstation solution to view, distribute and manage studies. You get a full diagnostic quality workstation with dedicated CD/DVD burning, DICOM printing and an image review station that is scalable to any organization.
eFilm Workstation can supplement your current PACS workflow or serve as a main workstation. An FDA Class II registered device, it has many tools including image management and distribution with DICOM Query/Retrieve, CD/DVD burning and auto-routing of studies. It is a primary diagnostic viewer with hanging protocols, key images, SUVs for PET/CT, MIP, MPR and more.

New with eFilm Workstation 4.2.3:
4.2.3 Includes many minor fixes to improve performance
German language translation of user guide included
Add ability to import .JPEG images
Auto-routing of studies included
Image compression when sending studies
Ability to connect to other efilm 4.X workstations securely without a VPN
Gray Scale Presentation State (GSPS) support for Key Images
SUV for PET/CT Included

MPR Reconstruct a cross-sectional image in any plane from CT or MR data
View real-time reconstruction in any orthogonal or oblique plane with exquisite image quality
Use MPR plane to generate slabs of arbitrary thickness via MIP
Automatically creates a new series
Stack through the reformatted images as you would any other series; view each slice's relative position on the source image

-User Profiles
Create unique user profiles based on user name
Save multiple user profiles on a given workstation to allow users to easily launch their preferred toolbar configurations, window and level presets, layout presets and more

-3D/Volume Rendering
3D/Volume Rendering Preview slices and select particular images for inclusion (or exclusion) from volume reconstruction
Adjust interpolation to suit processor speeds
Color mapping opacity setting options
View structures or organs as a whole (versus slices)
IMPORTANT: To support optimal clinical visualization, the user must deploy a color monitor and a video card that fully supports Microsoft DirectX 8.1 or greater. In the absence of the DirectX 8.1 video card, Volume Rendering functionality and performance will be lower than optimal.

-DICOM Printing
Print to a large variety of printers
Send a manufacturer-specific string to the printer, via the DICOM print configuration, for specifying a particular Look Up Table at the printer

-Customizable Toolbars
Customizable Toolbars Display only the tools needed when viewing various types of studies such as CR or MR
Access needed tools quickly for increased efficiency
Change the size of the icons on screen
Invoke auto-hide feature to hide tools when not actively using them, maximizing use of diagnostic screen space
Set up keystroke combinations to perform toolbar functions


Download ConceptDraw OFFICE 6.0 Full Version (crack included)

Download ConceptDraw OFFICE 6.0 Full Version (crack included)
ConceptDraw OFFICE v6 is a powerful software suite especially tailored for business managers of all types, but also designed to be comprehensive for whatever business task you are working on. It includes three software products integrated by the unique data exchange technology. The suite combines business diagramming, mind mapping and project management software. ConceptDraw OFFICE v6 is essential to provide brainstorming sessions, create diagrams, schematics, mind maps, project plans, dashboards, presentations, and many other business visualizations.

The overall set of all functionality and the long list of the ConceptDraw OFFICE v6 apps’ features can be used in many industries, such as software development, construction, network infrastructure construction, naval architecture, for completing the marketing campaigns, etc. ConceptDraw OFFICE v6 works in concert with Solutions to provide one-click access to integrated solutions for project management, brainstorming, reporting, and much more. The innovative resource center features integrated business management solutions that bundle ConceptDraw products, vector libraries, templates, and samples to get business users up and running their projects quickly.

The collection of Solutions contains a wide range of professional free and paid graphics solutions as well as learning materials on how to use them with the ConceptDraw products. To guide you through Solutions, we provide the ConceptDraw STORE application that identifies what you have in your operational system, what is available from both a product and a solution perspective, assisting in the trials’ installations and products compatible.


Download TheBrain 10.0 PRO License Full (crack included)

Download TheBrain 10.0 PRO License Full (crack included)
TheBrain visualizes networks of knowledge like you've never seen before.
As you shift focus from topic to topic, TheBrain moves right along with you, showing your information and all the connections you've made. It's a natural extension of your thinking. Now you can see how things are connected and you'll never forget or lose an idea.

Where can you really go on your computer today to hash out a new idea, current event, or expand your plans in a meaningful way? TheBrain lets you digitize your mind so you can literally see your thinking and refine your ideas. Each of your Thoughts comes to life on-screen with connections to other related Thoughts, creating a context for thinking and action.
Your digital Brain works across multiple platforms and computers and can be synchronized across multiple machines. Access your Brain from TheBrain desktop software, a Web browser, or even your mobile device. Keep your data locally, plus a backup online for remote access and sharing with friends.
Move beyond linear file folder hierarchies and organize files the way you think - under multiple categories or projects. Anything can be linked to anything else. Track and save multiple versions, add notes and tag documents with priorities. Even integrate Outlook, Apple Mail, or webmail messages for a complete view of your projects.
TheBrain lets you see how your ideas and information are related. Use powerful visualization to discover information that would normally be overlooked, make connections and gain new understanding of your projects and content.

With TheBrain you're never more than a few seconds away from any piece of digital information. Web pages, documents, images, notes... From people and projects to ideas and task lists, it's all there in an instant.
Take control by visualizing all your open loops, tasks, and ideas in your Brain. Sync makes your ideas and to dos available from your desktop, web browser, or mobile device anytime.
TheBrain is the trusted repository of all kinds of people and knowledge. From business leaders to visionary artists. From scientific data to marketing plans. When you start your Brain, you join a community of people who share your passion for knowledge and getting things done.


Download SmartSHOW 3D 12.5 Deluxe Edition Full (crack keygen)

Download SmartSHOW 3D 12.5 Deluxe Edition Full (crack keygen)
Need to make a picture slideshow for a big moment like wedding or graduation? Got a pile of shots from a recent vacation trip to share with friends? Looking for a creative way to present your photography work online? With SmartSHOW 3D, you'll turn still images into fascinating movies - all it takes is a few clicks. Get started with 350+ templates & effects to create your perfect slideshow.
SmartSHOW 3D will mix your precious photos and favorite tunes to make breathtaking movies. There are lots of reasons and occasions for making a music slideshow - you can create a family album, a travel story, a wedding slideshow, holiday greeting cards, a love story movie etc.
The software offers a collection of stunning animation effects and hundreds of different ways to combine them. Experiment with motion and lighting to breathe life into still pictures. It's easy and fun in SmartSHOW 3D! No technical background required - all effects are applied with a simple drag & drop!
"Professional" does not mean complicated! SmartSHOW 3D comes with a huge set of ready-made templates. Animated collages, title clips and special effects will make your slideshow shine. No need to fiddle with mysterious settings - simply preview the sample and then add your pictures or words.
Photo slideshows are nothing special for your family and friends? With 3D slideshow software, you'll create something they've never seen before. Fantastic 3D effects for photos and captions will help you make spectacular movies that everyone will be watching with their jaws dropped!

Compared to ordinary photo slideshow software, SmartSHOW 3D provides a rich toolkit for creating professional-level photo movies with stunning effects. You can put multiple layers on the slide, apply animation to selected layers, add keyframes for fine-tuning the show. Fancy image masks and various shapes, animated 3D text and fun graphic art leave the audience no chance to get bored.
Exclusive photo slideshows can become precious presents as well as a new profit source for a professional photographer. Want your photo studio to flourish? Amaze your clients with a new service!

The software has a dazzling collection of 100+ original transition effects: classic fade-ins and dissolves, wipes and whirlwinds, enchanting gradients and ultramodern 3D-transitions.
The huge collection lets you thoughtfully choose transitions effects that will perfectly match the slideshow theme or occasion. Whether you're making a romantic love story movie or a dynamic sports slideshow, you'll have no difficulty choosing appropriate effects. It is possible to set selected transitions for every particular slide, or quickly add random transitions with just one button click.

In spite of being professional-level video slideshow software, SmartSHOW 3D remains user-friendly and intuitive. Simple interface, drag & drop functionality, and ready to use templates will help you make a beautiful video slideshow in less than an hour.
Thanks to an extensive tutorial with video lessons it will only take a couple of days to master all the professional tools of this smart slideshow software - even for the non tech-savvy!


DecisionTools Suite 7.6 Industrial Full Download (crack included)

DecisionTools Suite 7.6 Industrial Full Download (crack included)
No matter what industry you're in, the DecisionTools Suite can help you make decisions with confidence. Take guesswork out of big decisions, and plan strategies with confidence. With the DecisionTools Suite, you can assess risk and optimize decisions – right in your Excel spreadsheet.

@RISK performs risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project spreadsheet—and how likely they are to occur. This means you can judge which risks to take and which ones to avoid.
PrecisionTree performs decision analysis in Microsoft Excel using decision trees and influence diagrams. Decision trees let you visually map out complex decisions in a sequential, organized manner. This helps you identify all possible alternatives and choose the best option.
TopRank performs automated “what if” sensitivity analysis on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Define any output or “bottom line” cell or cells, and TopRank will automatically find and vary all input cells which affect your output. This allows you to identify and rank all input factors which affect your bottom line.
StatTools performs forecasting and statistical analysis in Microsoft Excel. It replaces Excel’s built-in statistics functions with its own, more robust and accurate functions. StatTools covers the most common statistical analyses, and even allows you to build your own custom statistical procedures.
NeuralTools performs predictions in Microsoft Excel using sophisticated neural networks. NeuralTools imitates brain functions to “learn” patterns in your known data, using those patterns to make predictions from new, incomplete data. NeuralTools can automatically update predictions live when input data changes, saving time and enabling more robust analyses.
Evolver performs optimization in Microsoft Excel using genetic algorithms, linear programming, or the OptQuest solving methods. It finds the best solution to linear problems large and small, and gives the best overall global solution to nonlinear, complex problems where other solvers fail. Evolver constantly tries new, different solutions to arrive at the best answer possible.
RISKOptimizer uses genetic algorithms or OptQuest methods, along with Monte Carlo simulation, to solve optimization problems. Take any optimization problem and replace uncertain values with @RISK functions that represent ranges of possible values. RISKOptimizer tries different combinations of adjustable cells to achieve the goal you define, while running Monte Carlo simulations on each trial solution to account for inherent uncertainty. The result is the most robust, accurate solution possible.
BigPicture is a mind mapping and chart generation add-in for Microscoft Excel. It allows you to create mind maps to organize thoughts and ideas, or create dynamic maps from any type of spreadsheet data.


Download WinPCSIGN PRO 2018 v12.0 Full (crack keygen)

Download WinPCSIGN PRO 2018 v12.0 Full (crack keygen)
Besides the already powerful layout and editing tools of WinPCSIGN BASIC, WinPCSIGN PRO comes with further features like T-Shirt creation, Rhinestone creation, Fonts creation, Cost estimator, Black & white & colour pictures vectorization, Contour cutting and do many other amazing things.

Don't waste precious time, WinPCSIGN nesting feature is the perfect for arranging your project objects to minimize waste and reduce fabrication time.
Take advantage of the new crop marks tools. Seamlessly import your contour cut projects to other software like Adobe Illustrator FlexiSign or Corel Draw for printing and use WinPCSIGN for cutting.
Save precious cutting time by using our auto cutting optimization feature. Optimize the cutter head displacement and reduce the probability of vinyl misalignments while cutting massive job.
Make sure every element of your design cut as you expected. The simulation allows you to see the cutting order of your project before sending your job to production.
Manage your objects with ease by saving the coordinates of an object on the design page. Once the object is registered, you can move it, edit it and replace it with his original position.
Extend the life of your projects by quickly converting any rhinestone project into another shape.
Enjoy a more natural way to move on your page project. A whole new user experience that made design correction easier and faster.
Take advantage of the cutting panel zoom. This feature is great to see all the cutting details before sending your job to your vinyl cutter.
Expand your customer satisfaction by sending them a catalog of all the fonts you got in your designer portfolio.
Import dxp, pdf and other vectorial files with the possibilities to set a snap path tolerance.
Get greater control on your cut by sorting the cutting order on X axis or Y axis. Allow you to get a faster result and minimize blade movement.
Path detection is now easier than ever with our new tolerance feature. Allow you to detect all double path even if the paths are slightly shifted.


Download Atomic Email Hunter 15.00 Full Version (crack keygen)

Download Atomic Email Hunter 15.00 Full Version (crack keygen)
Atomic Email Hunter is a powerful tool that extracts email addresses with usernames from webpages.
A targeted email list is the first step towards the success of your email campaign. Once you add website addresses to Email Hunter, it will harvest and collect thousands of relevant email addresses from them in minutes.
This easy-to-use program will perfectly suit your needs for email extraction using filtering rules.

The main Atomic Email Hunter feature is different for each type of search:
-Targeted search for email addresses using keywords
Email collector will compile a database of your target audience. If you don’t have a list of essential websites to search, just specify a keyword, and the program will find related websites and gather emails from them.
-Search for email addresses on a specified website
If you already have a website address and you want to harvest email addresses from it, enter the URL and email harvester will collect all available emails from it.
-Search for emails on a website by keywords
Target the search with Atomic Email Hunter. Enter the URL of the website and the keyword you‘re wanting results for. The program will find the page(s) on that website that have the key-word. Email addresses will be extracted from those pages, and you’ll have a free email list for long-term use.
-Extract phone numbers from webpages
This is the only feature Atomic Hunter is missing, but you can get phone numbers with Atomic Lead Extractor. It extracts both emails and phone numbers. Check these two email extractors to compare them.
-Search in list
If you have a number of websites that you want to harvest emails from, then you can define a list of sites. There’s no need to wait for one process to complete before you start another. They’ll run one after another. You’ll end up with a list of extracted emails from all the specified websites.
-Search on Facebook
Email Hunter can search and extract email addresses from Facebook as easily as from other websites. Use Facebook plugin to find a huge number of your potential clients contact data. Or you can come across groups that spark your interest, copy and paste their URLs into the extractor software. The program will collect all available email addresses from the specified Facebook pages.


Download SmartDraw Enterprise Version 26.0 Full (crack keygen)

Download SmartDraw Enterprise Version 26.0 Full (crack keygen)
SmartDraw is the only alternative to Visio® that runs on a Mac, online, and on Windows (and behind the firewall). With the best Visio® import and export capability in the industry, SmartDraw is the easy, powerful and affordable Visio® alternative.
SmartDraw is more powerful and easier to use than the standard drawing tools included in Microsoft Office® and G Suite®. Any SmartDraw drawing can be inserted into Word®, Excel®, PowerPoint® as well as Google® Docs and Sheets.
SmartDraw runs on any computer or tablet. It includes quick-start diagram templates for over 70 different diagram types from flowcharts to floor plans. Powerful automatic formatting means perfect layouts in minutes.

SmartDraw is the only diagramming app with an intelligent formatting engine. Add, delete or move shapes and your diagram will automatically adjust and maintain its arrangement.
SmartDraw’s intelligent formatting and designer templates combine to automatically create professional quality diagrams every time.
SmartDraw integrates easily with tools you already use. With just a click, you can send your diagram directly to Microsoft Word®, Excel®, PowerPoint®, or Outlook®. Export to PDF and other graphic formats. SmartDraw also has apps for G Suite and the Atlassian® stack: Confluence, Jira, and Trello.
SmartDraw includes over 4,500 templates for more than 70 different diagram types and over 34,000 symbols for every discipline including engineering, software design, healthcare as well as the standard shapes used for flowcharts, organization charts and many other diagrams. No product has more.
SmartDraw allows you to draw and print architectural and engineering diagrams to scale. SmartDraw even provides an AutoCAD-like annotation layer that automatically resizes to match a diagram. Most diagramming apps don't do this at all.
SmartDraw can both import and export diagrams and stencils in Visio format (VSD and VSDX) with the best results in the industry. See SmartDraw's Visio export in action.
SmartDraw is the only diagramming tool that runs in a web browser on any platform (Mac, PC, or mobile device) that you can also install behind a firewall on a Windows desktop and move seamlessly between them.
You and your team can work on the same diagram using SmartDraw. You can also share files with non SmartDraw users.
SmartDraw also works seamlessly with popular file sharing apps like Dropbox®, Box®, Google Drive™ or OneDrive®.


Web Data Extractor 3.9 PRO Full Download (cracked version)

Web Data Extractor 3.9 PRO Full Download (cracked version)
This high-speed and multithreaded program works by using a keyword into search engines, by spidering a website or a list of URLs from a file. You can also allow it to follow external links from the original pages, with the capability to go as deep into the URL paths as you need and actually search the entire Internet.
Web Data Extractor is superior for harvesting structured information and specific data types related to the keywords you provide by searching through multiple layers of websites.

Except general extraction data (URLs, domains, meta tags, emails, filter, phones, faxes) WDE Pro maintains Custom Data extraction. This enables you to extract different items of information that are distinctly structured. For example, you need to form a list of products of specified online store. With the help of Visual Expression Builder you can form such a list that you may further use for your own website, research, etc.
WDE Pro using 3 separate pools for requests, download and parse data that can be adjusted - it allows you to flexibly adjust the distribution of computer power depending on the quality of your internet channel and the PC power
WDE Pro uses a much faster pages parser
In WDE Pro used SQLite engine which removes restrictions on db size and is much faster than database that was used in WDE 8.3
Significantly improved mechanism of data caching and syncronization between cache and database - it significantly speed up the processing of large sites
All results lists are virtualized, it lets you instantly download session and scrool results, which contains million of records. Also added search in results
Mechanism of data merge when export results actively uses the disk - it allows you to merge very large lists
Option to use proxy servers

v3.9 Changes:
List of search engines is cleared of outdated/broken links. This allowed us to increase the speed of the software in «Search engines» mode
Significantly improved email addresses parser, especially for JS (JavaScript) hidden emails
Improved option to import own proxy servers from CSV files
Improved work with HTTPS websites
Improved performance when working with large URL lists
Improved "Cookie Capture" option
We also made various minor changes and improvements based on feedbacks from our customers


Download ATLAS.ti 8.4.21 (windows) Full Version (crack keygen)

Download ATLAS.ti 8.4.21 (windows) Full Version (crack keygen)
ATLAS.ti 8 is highly intuitive and easier to learn and use than any other QDA program–including older versions of ATLAS.ti.
For our latest offering, we listened closely to our users’ needs and wishes, and have focused especially on a maximum degree of usability. ATLAS.ti 8’s completely revamped interface has been designed to follow rigorous priciples of function-oriented usability. It employs a logical ribbon structure, context menus and keyboard shortcuts to make your work flow as ergonomic as possible.
Shortcomings of older versions have been eliminated, and much requested new functionality has been added. Most notably, unlimited Undo/Redo is now possible with every aspect of the program. Full native Unicode support lets you work with material in any language and character set. An easy-to-use search tool performs fine-grained searches on every level of your project. Simultaneous work with multiple data sources supports new comparative approaches.
ATLAS.ti 8 is easy to learn. Many formerly convoluted processes have been radically simplified. The focus is on getting results quickly and efficiently.
ATLAS.ti 8 is powerful and innovative. Stylish network visualizations serve both the analytical process and provide excellent presentation tools. Importing surveys, data from Twitter as well as from your favorite reference manager is a breeze.
ATLAS.ti 8 comes with with the future built-in. Completely rewritten and based on the latest technology, ATLAS.ti 8 allows for rapid, modular expansion. So expect to see previously unthinkable new possibilities in the coming months and years as ATLAS.ti 8 continues to grow by design.

State-of-the-art, highly intuitive user interface with ribbons, tabbed views
Instant access to all project items via Navigator
Regions permit working with multiple documents, memos, networks etc. simultaneously
More powerful “margin” than ever with powerful interactive functions.
Direct import of Twitter and Evernote data
Support for literature review through import from reference managers such as Endnote
Multi-functional word clouds for all object types
Groups for all object types
Unicode throughout – work with documents in any language or character set
Undo/Redo (100 steps)
Powerful Visual Query Editor
SmartCodes and SmartGroups
Split Codes
Full project search (former “Word cruncher”) significantly improved with dynamic fade-in/fade-out hit categories
Elegant and tremendously useful new network layout options
Previews and comments for all items
Bi-directional project exchange with ATLAS.ti Mac
State-of-the-art on-board intercoder agreement measuring tool, developed in co-operation with K. Krippendorff


Zemax OpticStudio 19.8 Premium Lifetime Full Download (cracked)

Zemax OpticStudio 19.8 Premium Lifetime Full Download (cracked)
OpticStudio’s intuitive user interface includes easy-to-learn tools and wizards which enable efficient simulation and design of any optical system.
With more than 200 field points you can set up even the most complex freeform and non-rotationally symmetric systems.
Design high-confidence virtual prototypes with the only optical design software that can model everything from imaging optics to illumination, including the effects of stray light.

OpticStudio includes a suite of tools to analyze the performance of your system. In addition to the classic analysis functions, OpticStudio also offers Full-field Aberration analysis to improve freeform designs; contrast analysis for MTF optimization; and Image Simulation to produce photorealistic images of object scenes.
State-of-the-art optimization tools automatically improve the performance of designs based on user-defined constraints and design goals. This saves time by eliminating design iterations.
Optimize for MTF up to 10x faster with Contrast Optimization - which removes multiple design and test steps inherent in older processes.
Advanced tools incorporate manufacturing and assembly limits into design constraints to ensure manufacturability and production efficiency.
In addition to sensitivity studies, Monte Carlo tolerance analysis can simulate the as-built performance.
Finished designs can be exported to manufacturingready outputs such as ISO drawings and common CAD file formats.

With the ZOS-API, you can create standalone applications, build your own analyses, and control OpticStudio externally using C#, C++, MATLAB and Python.
Zemax Programming Language (ZPL) enables you to write your own macros to automate repetitive processes.
Custom DLLs allow creation of any surfaces, objects, sources, and scatter functions.


Download CLC Genomics Workbench 12.0.3 Full Version (crack keygen)

Download CLC Genomics Workbench 12.0.3 Full Version (crack keygen)
CLC Genomics Workbench is a powerful solution that works for everyone, no matter the workflow.
Utilizing cutting-edge technology, unique features and algorithms widely used by scientific leaders in industry and academia to overcome challenges associated with data analysis.

User-friendly bioinformatics software solutions allow for comprehensive analysis of your NGS data, including whole genome and transcriptome de novo assembly, targeted resequencing analysis, variant calling, ChIP-seq and DNA methylation (bisulfite sequencing analysis).
Uncover critical correlations between microbiota, its metagenome, and host. Making sense of complex metagenomic data becomes easy through tools and streamlined analysis workflows for taxonomic and functional microbiome analysis.
Supported NGS platforms are Illumina, IonTorrent, PacBio and GeneReader.
RNA-seq and small RNA (miRNA, lncRNA) transcriptomics workflows for differential expression analysis at gene and transcript levels.

CLC Genomics Workbench supports the complete resequencing pipeline for detecting and comparing genetic variants. When dealing with high sample volumes efficient algorithms reduce run time while customizable analysis workflows and batch processing shorten hands-on time to a minimum.
CLC Genomics Workbench allows you to focus on the biological interpretation of detected variants.
The first step in resequencing is accurate read mapping. Our algorithm is optimized for high-quality mapping of large data volumes in a fast and memory-efficient way.
The algorithm offers comprehensive support for a variety of data formats, including both short and long reads, and all flavors of paired read data regardless of insert size or read orientation. It also supports the use of hybrid data sets. Local realignment can drastically reduce false positive detection rates for certain variant types. Our goal is to reduce your manual work and focus on deriving biological meaningful results from raw NGS reads.

The free “Advanced RNA-Seq plugin” integrates all the analysis steps – from secondary analysis of the reads to sophisticated statistics – into easy-to-use workflows, and gives access to a wide range of experimental designs, from case-control or multi-group experiments to multi-factorial experiments. All tools account for differences due to sequencing depth, removing the need to normalize input data. Multi-factorial statistics control for batch effects and support paired studies. Statistical results can be visualized in a genomic context as tracks, in a table view, or through the many visualization options leveraging metadata: volcano plots, 2D Heatmaps, Principal Component Analysis and Venn diagrams.
CLC Genomics Workbench offers a range of accurate variant detectors to detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs), multi-nucleotide variants (MNVs), small to medium sized insertions, deletions or replacements, as well as large structural variants. Algorithms for the sensitive detection of so called “low frequency” variants supported only by a small fraction of mapped reads complete the detection tools.To make sense of detected variants CLC Genomics Workbench offers a range of filter and comparison tools.


Download Colasoft Capsa 12.0 Enterprise Version Full (with crack)

Download Colasoft Capsa 12.0 Enterprise Version Full (with crack)
Capsa is a portable network analyzer application for both LANs and WLANs which performs real-time packet capturing capability, 24x7 network monitoring, advanced protocol analysis, in-depth packet decoding, and automatic expert diagnosis. Capsa's comprehensive high-level window view of entire network, gives quick insight to network administrators or network engineers allowing them to rapidly pinpoint and resolve application problems. With the most user-friendly interface and the most powerful data packet capture and analysis engine in the industry, Capsa is a necessary tool for network monitoring.

By capturing and analyzing VoIP calls and displaying results, IT staff could baseline and troubleshoot VoIP-based networks.
TCP packets reveal information to troubleshoot slow network, like slow website response, CRM transactions and downloading, etc.
Being able to support more than 1800+ protocols, Capsa make it easy to analyze protocols in network and understand what is happening.
Lists all hosts in network with details (traffic, IP, MAC, etc.).
Monitors all conversations and reconstruct packet stream.
By sending an emails or play sounds, when an alarm is triggered.
Accurately detects DoS (DDoS) attack, Worm activity, ARP attack, TCP port scanning and suspicious conversation and locates the source and target in real-time.
It captures all network packets transmitted on network and displays detailed packet decoding information in Hex, ASCII and EBCDIC.
Automatically diagnoses network problems and suggests solutions.
Free built-in tools to create and replay packets; scan and ping IPs.
It helps to run packet capture and analysis at pre-defined time automatically, which can be scheduled to run one time, daily or weekly.
Monitors Network traffic and Network bandwidth details in graphs and numbers.
Monitors HTTP, Email, DNS, FTP, MSN and Yahoo! Messenger.
Visualizes the entire network in an ellipse, showing connections and traffic.
Quickly generates reports of most concerned items.